Hindi adaptation of
Waiting for Godot
A play in two act by:
Samuel Beckett
And Direction:
Satyabrata Rout
Produced by Rangakalpa Hyderabad, India.
This Hindi adaptation of the world classic play “Waiting for Godot” was originally written in French by the Irish born playwright Samuel Beckett, which has succeeded in establishing the trend of Theatre of Absurd in the world of dramatic literature.
The Play:
Two people are waiting for Godot by a tree on a countryside road. They wait, wait and wait.... and the play ends. It ends in nothingness living on a chance whether Godot will come on the next day....
The play speaks nothing, nor does it pass any social moral value... But within that nothingness many truths of our life unfold. Like Vladimir and Estragon, we all are waiting; for the reason unknown to us, living on a chance only, otherwise we cannot live.

This Hindi version of Waiting for Godot redefines the significance of human existence and tries to search for a deeper meaning of life.
Our production gives emphasis on the hidden layers of human relationship and tries to search for a Godot who is nowhere but within our own self.. The adaptation focuses on the Indian mindset, for which lot of changes has been done with the characters & the storyline.

The purpose of human life is an unanswerable question. It seems impossible to find an answer because we don't know where to begin looking or whom to ask. Existence, to us, seems to be something imposed upon us by an unknown force. There is no apparent meaning to it, and yet we suffer as a result of it. The world seems utterly chaotic.
We therefore try to impose meaning on it through pattern and fabricated purposes to distract ourselves from the fact that our situation is hopelessly unfathomable.
"Waiting for Godot" is a play that captures this feeling and view of the world, and characterises it with archetypes that symbolise humanity and its behaviour when faced with this knowledge.
Samuel Beckett: The Playwright
Samuel Beckett, an avant-garde playwright, poet and novelist was born in Ireland in the year 1906. He wrote plays both in English and French languages. Almost all his works move around the meaninglessness of life and the significance of human existence which offer a tragicomic outlook from the outer structure on human culture, often termed as black comedy. Beckett is widely regarded as the most influential writers of the 20th century and considered as the father of postmodernism in dramatic literature. He is one of the prominent writers whose writings contribute to the concept of Theatre of the Absurd. Beckett was awarded Nobel Prize in 1969 in literature. He died in the year 1989.
Satyabrata Rout: The Director/Scenographer
Satyabrata Rout is a known name in the contemporary Indian theatre. A graduate from the National School of Drama with specialization in Design and Direction (1983), he worked as a Technical Director with Bharat Bhawan, Bhopal, for five years and then returned to NSD where he was associated in different capacities, first with the Theatre-in-Education project, then as a resource person for extension programme; and finally as lecturer in lighting. He joined as an Associate Professor in Scenography, at the University of Hyderabad in the year 2007.

Estragon: Vasudev Venkatraman
Vladimir: Satyabrata Rout
Pozzooo: Ramanuj Dubey
Lucky: Avadesh Jha
Set and Lights: Smrutiranjan Biswal
Music: Krishna Kumhar
Props, Costume: Raj, Smruti
Production: Mrs. Mitanjali Rout
Stage manager: Roshan AB
Original Text: Samuel Beckett
Indian adaptation: Dr. Satyabrata Rout

For further information please watch
a 10 mnts. video in youtube
From Aavartan to Rangakalpa, it is really a arduous journey, not for you sir but all of us who were associated with "Waiting for Godot". The best part of the post production is the formation of new group "Rangakalpa" and your experience and mission and vision that is shared vision for all of us.
In the introduction of Rangakalpa on my blog, I have kept the same introduction with minor changes ( from your individual experience to shared vision of all of us - that also with your due permission ) . Here I m sharing the link --
Namaste sir,
I need some help of yours.
We wanted to perform Waiting for Godot in Hindi but couldn't find its Hindi translation. Can you please help.
Is it possible to get the script of your Hindi Adaptation?
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